PADI Advanced Open Water
Take the next step and gain a PADI advanced license to 30 meters! Increase your navigation, buoyancy, and deep diving skills to become a better diver.
The PADI Advanced course is the next step in your diving career! It consists of 5 adventure dives, and will get you a license to 30 meters. This will open up your options for various dive trips and sites around the world!

Advanced Open Water
More infomation and course schedule
​The PADI advanced consists of 5 'adventure' dives- which all have a different training purpose. 2 of the adventure dives (The deep dive, and the underwater navigation dives) are mandatory for the license. The other 3 can be chosen by the group and instructor as desired (or as conditions dictate.) Other adventure dives can include a night dive, a search and recovery dive, a shipwreck dive, an (extremely fun) buoyancy clinic, a fish identification dive, or an underwater naturalist dive.
General Schedule:
Day 1: Meet at 10am for academics, and to prepare for diving. You will then go out on 2 afternoon dives, likely for the navigation and peak performance buoyancy dives.
Day 2: You will enjoy two morning dives, which will consist of a deep dive, and another adventure dive, which can be a shipwreck dive, fish identification, or other dive choices.
Night Dive: You can also enjoy a night dive! We do them every other night, so this schedule will depend on which day you start your course!